When the leaning tower falls to the ground
When the hearsay's too much to think about
And they think that they've got you figured out
It's a rude world, it's a vicious world
When they're throwing stones
There's a place I know
I can always go
To my sanctuary, baby, where I run
And when the streets are burnin', baby, and I know
If they come with torches
Cause they don't like the truth
world - világ
where - ahol
vicious - gonosz
truth - igazság
trumpet - trombita
tower - torony
torches - torce
through - keresztül
squad - osztag
sanctuary - szentély
saints - szentek
proof - bizonyíték
throwing - dobás
enemy - ellenség
cross - kereszt
crowd - tömeg
matters - ügyek
wrong - rossz
chorus - énekkar
hearts - szívek
streets - utcák
stones - kövek
cause - ok
place - hely
beside - mellett
always - mindig
sounds - hangok
apocalypse - Apokalipszis
leaning - hajló
faces - arcok
about - ról ről
lightning - villám
dance - tánc
lined - vonalazott
someone - valaki
falls - zuhatag
figured - mintás
firing - égetés
getting - szerzés
think - gondol
ground - talaj
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