The butter melts out of habit

The toast isn't even warm

The waitress and the man in the plaid shirt

Play out a scene they've played

So many times before

I am watching the sun stumble home in the morning

From a bar on the east side of town

And the coffee is just water dressed in brown

Beautiful but boring

He visited me yesterday

He noticed my fingers

And asked me if I would play

I didn't really care a lot

But I couldn't think of a reason why not

lured - csábította
living - élő
habit - szokás
scene - színhely
involved - részt
fingers - ujjak
accidents - balesetek
plaid - pléd
coffee - kávé
really - igazán
define - meghatározzák
yesterday - tegnap
played - dátum
closer - közelebb
asked - kérdezte
before - előtt
thighs - combok
because - mert
boring - unalmas
friends - barátok
brown - barna
meantime - addig
melts - olvadékok
dressed - öltözött
noticed - észrevette
beautiful - szép
built - épült
shirt - ing
times - alkalommal
morning - reggel
water - víz
place - hely
reason - ok
right - jobb
anymore - többé
something - valami
think - gondol
watching - nézni
definition - meghatározás
stumble - botlás
there - ott
toast - pirítós
wound - seb
visited - látogatott
insured - biztosított
butter - vaj
waitress - pincérnő
would - lenne

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