Pale purple nipples

Goose pimpled

She shivers shifts from a walk to a trot

Alone in the city

Infested with faces

Immune to new friendships

Interested in places she's never seen

She says everything is grey here

And nothing is green

The girls from down the street

Sixteen, seventeen years old

You can smell them getting pregnant

You can hear their rock and roll

That's America

You have to be tough

Like a glad trash bag

The government's an old nag

With a good pedigree

But pedigree's don't help you and me

I see the precedent is grey here

And nothing is green

Unless something unforeseen happens

I'm surrounded by the haves

unforeseen - váratlan
understand - megért
think - gondol
those - azok
their - azok
surrounded - körülvett
street - utca
still - még mindig
smell - szag
shivers - forgács
shifts - műszakok
haves - Nélkülözhetetlen
holes - lyukak
happens - megtörténik
regretting - sajnálva
green - zöld
trash - szemét
girls - lányok
getting - szerzés
goose - liba
interested - érdekelt
distract - eltérít
purple - lila
human - emberi
things - dolgok
people - emberek
america - Amerika
about - ról ről
unless - hacsak
otherwise - másképp
anybody - bárki
something - valami
conception - fogamzás
nipples - mellbimbók
anything - bármi
faces - arcok
playing - játszik
everything - minden
every - minden
defined - [object Object]
because - mert
except - kivéve
sixteen - tizenhat
nothing - semmi
being - lény
immune - immúnis
friendships - barátságok
important - fontos
roles - szerepek
infested - elárasztott
looking - keres
seventeen - tizenhét
pedigree - családfa
never - soha
nobody - senki
tough - kemény
advantage - előny
places - helyek
offered - felajánlott
years - évek
outfits - ruhák
alone - egyedül
precedent - precedens
pregnant - terhes
rejecting - elutasító

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