Alone in the darkness alone in the shame
The feelings of guilt they haunt me
Can't live with the pain
Repeating the same old story over and over again
I'm trying to find the answers will this ever end
Alone in the darkness alone in the shame
The feelings of guilt they haunt me
Can't live with the pain
Repeating the same old story over and over again
I'm trying to find the answers will this ever end
I try my best to do what's right but it's never good enough
Every day is like a fight getting through it's so tough
A daily struggle to survive
I win the battles not the war
But I need to stay alive tell me what it's all for
One falls two rise I shall survive
One falls two rise I shall survive
It's fight or flight feels like there's nothing I can do
wrong - rossz
works - művek
through - keresztül
sweat - izzad
struggle - küzdelem
story - sztori
every - minden
depend - függ
cannot - nem tud
spinning - fonás
darkness - sötétség
confusion - zavar
heart - szív
daily - napi
weight - súly
crushing - zúzó
alive - élő
carry - visz
falling - eső
about - ról ről
around - körül
adversity - balsors
survive - túlélni
alone - egyedül
enough - elég
explode - felrobban
breaking - törés
shame - szégyen
answers - válaszokat
again - újra
apart - eltekintve
chosen - választott
mistakes - hibák
disillusioned - kiábrándult
battles - csaták
haunt - tanya
trying - megpróbálja
falls - zuhatag
feelings - érzések
flight - repülési
getting - szerzés
fight - harc
resolution - felbontás
guilt - bűnösség
tough - kemény
kicking - rúgás
learn - tanul
repeating - ismétlő
never - soha
picking - feltörés
nothing - semmi
point - pont
pressure - nyomás
right - jobb
feels - érzi
shall - köteles
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