You got the lights on in the afternoon
And the nights are drawn out long
And you're kissing to cut through the gloom
With a cough drop coloured tongue
And you were sitting in the corner with the coats all piled high
And I thought you might be mine
In a small world on an exceptionally rainy Tuesday night
In the right place and time
When the zeros line up on the 24 hour clock
When you know who's calling even though the number is blocked
When you walked around your house wearing my sky blue Lacoste
And your knee socks
Well you cured my January blues
Yeah you made it all alright
I got a feeling I might have lit the very fuse
That you were trying not to light
You were a stranger in my phonebook I was acting like I knew
'Cause I had nothing to lose
When the winter's in full swing and your dreams just aren't coming true
Ain't it funny what you'll do
When the zeros line up on the 24 hour clock
zeros - nullák
world - világ
wearing - fárasztó
walked - sétált
tuesday - kedd
tongue - nyelv
undone - visszavonható
thought - gondolat
sweet - édes
stopped - megállt
swing - hinta
could - tudott
though - bár
drawn - húzott
trying - megpróbálja
coats - kabátok
exceptionally - kivételesen
coloured - színezett
clock - óra
always - mindig
night - éjszaka
blocked - zárolt
small - kicsi
alright - rendben
phonebook -
cough - köhögés
acting - ható
january - január
might - esetleg
afternoon - délután
through - keresztül
dreams - álmok
nights - éjszaka
ghost - szellem
calling - hívás
stranger - idegen
cured - gyógyult
approve - jóváhagy
streets - utcák
sitting - ülés
beginning - kezdet
boots - csizma
around - körül
blues - blues
coming - eljövetel
funny - vicces
scruff - tarkóbőr
lights - lámpák
feeling - érzés
right - jobb
gloom - sötétség
socks - zokni
corner - sarok
place - hely
house - ház
kissing - csókolózás
knocking - kopogás
number - szám
light - fény
lined - vonalazott
queen - királynő
never - soha
letting - bérbeadása
piled - felhalmozott
nothing - semmi
rainy - esős
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