Fools on parade cavort and carry on for waiting eyes

That you would rather be beside than in front of

But she's never been the kind to be hollowed by the stares

She swam out of tonight's phantasm

Grabbed my hand and made it very clear

There's absolutely nothing for us here

It's a magnolia celebration to be attempted on a Wednesday night

It's better than to get a reputation as a miserable little tyke

At least that's the conclusion she came to in this overture

The secret door swings behind us She's saying nothing, she's just giggling along

Her arms were folded most indignant

waiting - várakozás
unveiling - leleplezés
think - gondol
swings - hinták
survive - túlélni
suddenly - hirtelen
stares - bámul
squint - kancsal
wednesday - szerda
scribble - irkál
reluctant - vonakodó
rather - inkább
pushing - toló
picture - kép
parade - felvonulás
notice - értesítés
could - tudott
frolic - vidámság
embarrassed - zavart
conduct - magatartás
completely - teljesen
conclusion - következtetés
earlier - korábban
little - kicsit
fools - bolondok
clear - egyértelmű
creature - teremtmény
celebration - ünneplés
cavort - fickándozik
carry - visz
would - lenne
least - legkevésbé
secret - titok
believe - hinni
absolutely - teljesen
butler - komornyik
hollowed - vájt
corrected - korrigált
indignant - felháborodott
occupied - megszállt
behind - mögött
better - jobb
unexpected - váratlan
beside - mellett
saying - mondás
reputation - hírnév
looking - keres
about - ról ről
bookshelf - könyvespolc
along - mentén
folded - hajtogatott
holds - tart
attempted - megkísérelt
miserable - nyomorult
overture - nyitány
front - elülső
giggling - giggling
grabbed - megragadta
habitat - élőhely
leave - szabadság
magnolia - polline
never - soha
night - éjszaka
nothing - semmi
options - lehetőségek
order - sorrend

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