The door swings open but you won't go it
You hate the movie that you haven't seen
You couldn't see what I have in mind
I see you laughing but you're
Cutting it, cutting it fine
You never should have done those things to me
There's one thread left 'tween you and history
And while our temperature is rising high
yourself - saját magad
laughing - nevetés
thread - cérna
ignored - figyelmen kívül hagyja
cutting - vágás
important - fontos
temperature - hőmérséklet
while - míg
history - történelem
signs - jelek
dancing - tánc
advisor - tanácsadó
swings - hinták
anyone - bárki
complain - panaszkodik
listen - hallgat
gambled - játszottak
movie - film
never - soha
rising - emelkedő
should - kellene
watch - néz
things - dolgok
those - azok
warning - figyelem
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