Heard it said it's a stupid thing
Everything that I follow through
Never got to our god, you see
Abandoned with the taste of the new, new, new and
Every time that whistle blows
I'm stranded in my shoes
Get me back on board
Pull me up with grace
Get me back on board
Let me be embraced
'Cause even after all those words
I want you for my own
Touch me when the sun comes up and
Tell me that we're home
We'll take a train to the graves again
That we can learn the value of life
Kick the snow with our shoe-heels
words - szavak
whistle - síp
heels - sarok
goodness - jóság
shoes - cipő
heard - hallott
after - után
giving - így
things - dolgok
follow - kövesse
learn - tanul
stranded - megfeneklett
train - vonat
something - valami
embrace - ölelés
archetypal - archetipikus
dustbins - szemetesek
always - mindig
night - éjszaka
again - újra
embraced - felkarolta
sleep - alvás
buckled - csatos
everything - minden
every - minden
blows - fúj
abandoned - elhagyatott
grace - kegyelem
stupid - hülye
board - tábla
honest - becsületes
knees - térd
through - keresztül
never - soha
shivers - forgács
comes - jön
names - nevek
smile - mosoly
graves - sírok
strangest - legfurcsább
taste - íz
thing - dolog
those - azok
ticket - jegy
digging - ásás
touch - érintés
trying - megpróbálja
value - érték
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