I was born on the north side of a Midwestern town
There were nine of us living in a three bedroom house
Didn't have much money
But we made due
'Cause Momma worked all day long
And Daddy did too
Did all they could
Made sure we had clothes and food
Went to public schools and we
Followed public rules
We used second hand books, but oh
I didn't mind the books
Momma taught us early in life
Everybody's gotta struggle sometime
Bring back those simple times of yesterday
When a man was a man
And a friend was a friend
would - lenne
worked - dolgozott
wonderful - csodálatos
where - ahol
times - alkalommal
though - bár
three - három
those - azok
think - gondol
thing - dolog
there - ott
house - ház
gotta - kell
through - keresztül
bring - hoz
girls - lányok
fights - harcol
fifty - ötven
named - nevezett
midwestern - midwestern
lives - életét
summer - nyár
early - korai
clothes - ruhák
laugh - nevetés
friend - barát
yesterday - tegnap
schools - iskolákban
sometime - majd valamikor
public - nyilvános
pretty - szép
break - szünet
hopped - ugrált
cents - cent
picture - kép
followed - majd
bedroom - hálószoba
always - mindig
meant - jelentett
middle - középső
money - pénz
north - északi
could - tudott
popcorn - pattogatott kukorica
living - élő
reminisce - emlékeiről beszél
rules - szabályok
sometimes - néha
schoolyard - iskolaudvar
wonder - csoda
daddy - apu
second - második
books - könyvek
simple - egyszerű
bobby - londoni rendőr
still - még mindig
picnics - piknikek
struggle - küzdelem
momma - mama
taught - tanított
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