How can I forgive her then? How can I forget?

After all these lies I've heard from you for so long.

I still remember all the pain. That you caused in me.

When I saw you hand in hand with another man.

Now your tears are falling on me.

Now you're under my command.

It’s a strange kind of feeling when I hear you say.

Somewhere in my heart there’s a place for you.

I’ll do what you want me to do.

words - szavak
tried - megpróbálta
these - ezek
there - ott
strange - furcsa
tears - könnyek
emotions - érzelmek
under - alatt
caused - okozott
falling - eső
command - parancs
truth - igazság
feeling - érzés
everything - minden
another - egy másik
remember - emlékezik
burns - égések
forgive - megbocsát
place - hely
after - után
heard - hallott
forget - elfelejt
respect - tisztelet
faith - hit
heart - szív
light - fény
still - még mindig
broken - törött
shine - ragyog
somewhere - valahol

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