Walls, high and low, thick and thin
They keep you out, they keep you in
Walls, narrow and wide, round or square
With warning signs "Watch out", "Beware"
Brick by brick they built them but it seems to me
Brick by brick they built them where they shouldn't be
We should be building bridges to a better day
Where no walls would stand in the way
Walls, here and there, everywhere
In every city, every town
wounded - sebesült
heart - szív
dreams - álmok
forget - elfelejt
better - jobb
everywhere - mindenhol
square - négyzet
every - minden
should - kellene
keeping - tartás
between - között
where - ahol
built - épült
lasting - tartós
longer - hosszabb
signs - jelek
around - körül
apart - eltekintve
forgive - megbocsát
wished - kívánta
feelings - érzések
broken - törött
could - tudott
watch - néz
beware - óvakodik
these - ezek
chance - véletlen
brick - tégla
would - lenne
bridges - hidak
simply - egyszerűen
narrow - keskeny
ourselves - minket
round - kerek
alone - egyedül
walls - falak
building - épület
sometimes - néha
stand - állvány
stone - kő
there - ott
thick - vastag
tumbling - bukdácsoló
different - különböző
times - alkalommal
seems - Úgy tűnik,
warning - figyelem
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