I never thought that you would love me the way that you do.
I never thought that you would love me half as much as I do.
You say you wanna know everything about me - well here you go,
You say you couldn't live your life without me, I don't know.
But if you want it girl, you've got it;
it's all right here, in my box set.
I never thought that words like product could ever leave my lips,
but something happened to me somewhere that made me lose my grip.
Maybe it's a lack of inspiration that makes me stoop,
or maybe it's a lack of remuneration; I can't recoup.
But if you want it folks, you got it;
it's all right here in my box set.
Disc One
It's where we've begun, it's all of greatest hits,
and if you are a fan then you know that you've already got 'em.
Disc Two
It was all brand new, an album's worth of songs,
but we had to leave the whole disc blank 'cause
some other label bought 'em.
Disc Three
This is really me in a grade school play;
would - lenne
worth - érdemes
words - szavak
wonder - csoda
without - nélkül
trend - irányzat
touch - érintés
taste - íz
stupid - hülye
stoop - görnyed
station - állomás
songs - dalok
somewhere - valahol
something - valami
someone - valaki
seems - Úgy tűnik,
scratch - karcolás
right - jobb
remuneration - díjazás
thousand - ezer
should - kellene
released - felszabadított
there - ott
school - iskola
recorded - feljegyzett
really - igazán
wanna - akarok
radio - rádió
product - termék
special - különleges
oldies - oldies
number - szám
people - emberek
course - tanfolyam
crowd - tömeg
coughing - köhögés
recoup - visszatart
alive - élő
bought - vásárolt
catch - fogás
where - ahol
blank - üres
could - tudott
begun - megkezdett
forgot - elfelejtettem
computer - számítógép
whole - egész
bathroom - fürdőszoba
other - más
about - ról ről
brand - márka
again - újra
cleanser - tisztító
sellout - kiárusítás
alright - rendben
crying - síró
compilation - összeállítás
dance - tánc
inspiration - ihlet
basement - pince
always - mindig
night - éjszaka
change - változás
makes - gyártmányú
before - előtt
thought - gondolat
greed - kapzsiság
demos - demók
label - címke
three - három
success - siker
single - egyetlen
remix - remix
enjoy - élvez
leave - szabadság
lines - vonalak
every - minden
everything - minden
folks - emberek
replacement - csere
friends - barátok
grade - fokozat
regretful - sajnálkozó
holler - ordít
greatest - legnagyobb
barely - alig
happened - történt
wondering - csodálkozó
already - már
hundred - száz
latest - legújabb
maybe - talán
never - soha
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