There's a kid inside
and I have him with me always
there's a kid inside
walking down old high school hallways
there's a kid inside
at a desk, at a dance, in the halls,in the showers
there's a kid inside
to this very day
and he makes a try for that high pop fly
that I fumble one september
and he makes a fuss
over some A plus
that I shouldn't still remember
and he goes along
getting hurt,getting mad,fighting fights that are over
and unless I'm strong
all my senses are carried away
I could fell my hand
my tremblin hand
on the shelf angora sweather
I can hear my band
that awful band,only now it sounds much better
I can see the kid
the kid I use to be
wrongs - sérelmeit
walking - gyalogló
tugging - húzogatta
tried - megpróbálta
think - gondol
takes - vesz
switch - kapcsoló
summer - nyár
still - még mindig
sounds - hangok
halls - csarnokok
rings - gyűrűk
there - ott
school - iskola
strong - erős
forget - elfelejt
awful - szörnyű
season - évad
field - mező
fumble - tapogat
dance - tánc
sensation - szenzáció
hallways - folyosók
seems - Úgy tűnik,
along - mentén
could - tudott
everytime - mindig
always - mindig
change - változás
makes - gyártmányú
unless - hacsak
again - újra
should - kellene
carnations - szegfű
carried - végrehajtott
hummin - Hummin
every - minden
humming - zümmögő
getting - szerzés
better - jobb
locker - öltözőszekrény
thing - dolog
lunch - ebéd
heart - szív
showers - zuhanyok
blink - pislogás
never - soha
fights - harcol
place - hely
reason - ok
remember - emlékezik
stage - színpad
songs - dalok
senses - érzékek
september - szeptember
fighting - harcoló
shelf - polc
singing - éneklés
wrong - rossz
ancient - ősi
smell - szag
inside - belül
something - valami
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