Inclination of direction, walk the turned and twisted rift

With the children of creation futuristic dreams we sift

Clutching violently we whisper with a liquefying cry

Any deadly final answers that are surely doomed to die

Won't you help me Mr. Jesus, won't you tell me if you can?

When you see this world we live in, do you still believe in Man?

If my songs become my freedom, and my freedom turns to gold

Then I'll ask the final question, if the answer could be sold

Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it

world - világ
turned - fordult
think - gondol
violently - erőszakosan
taught - tanított
sticking - ragasztás
songs - dalok
remember - emlékezik
reason - ok
still - még mindig
question - kérdés
problems - problémák
perceive - érzékel
matter - ügy
jesus - Jézus
clutching - szorongatva
children - gyermekek
final - végső
believe - hinni
surely - biztosan
around - körül
along - mentén
become - válik
turns - menetek
story - sztori
inclination - hajlam
answers - válaszokat
bought - vásárolt
could - tudott
creation - teremtés
deadly - halálos
answer - válasz
direction - irány
doomed - kudarcra ítélt
dreams - álmok
always - mindig
exist - létezik
entire - teljes
whisper - suttogás
twisted - csavart
messing - Messiás
forget - elfelejt
freedom - szabadság
futuristic - futurisztikus

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