There ought to be a town out there,
Named for how I feel.
Yeah I could be the mayor down there,
And say welcome to Sorryville.
It won't be on a map nowhere,
You might say that it doesn't exist,
But if you make enough wrong turns
It'd be hard to miss.
There ought to be a bridge somewhere
They could dedicate to me.
I'd probably come to the ceremony
With a can of gasoline;
Walk on over to the other side
And there I'd light a match
And sit and stare through the smoke and the flames
wrong - rossz
welcome - üdvözöljük
twice - kétszer
there - ott
stare - bámul
shoot - lő
through - keresztül
probably - valószínűleg
ought - kellene
nowhere - most itt
might - esetleg
other - más
bring - hoz
named - nevezett
bridge - híd
danger - veszély
touch - érintés
ceremony - szertartás
flames - lángok
curse - átok
heart - szív
turns - menetek
match - mérkőzés
could - tudott
dedicate - szán
break - szünet
somewhere - valahol
smoke - füst
button - gomb
exist - létezik
freaks - furcsaság
destruct - megsemmisítő
gonna - fog
watch - néz
things - dolgok
light - fény
words - szavak
lights - lámpák
enough - elég
marquee - sátor
gasoline - benzin
mayor - polgármester
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