Said all these people they won't leave me alone
And we need, a little time to ourselves
And half the reasons why
I'm sketchin' all the time
The result of a life in this hell
But oh well, I think it's time
My faith is falling like the leaves from a tree
The pockets both take it away
The sun warms my body as I'm
Sittin' on a swing watching
Columbus clouds bring in the rain
Oh well I think it's time
Its time to go
world - világ
warms - 變暖
tricks - trükkök
through - keresztül
these - ezek
swing - hinta
sunrise - napkelte
still - még mindig
stand - állvány
result - eredmény
reasons - okok
porch - veranda
means - eszközök
clean - tiszta
clouds - felhők
pockets - zsebek
build - épít
breath - lehelet
playing - játszik
faces - arcok
laugh - nevetés
ourselves - minket
bring - hoz
faucet - csap
watching - nézni
think - gondol
alone - egyedül
better - jobb
where - ahol
blood - vér
state - állapot
faith - hit
drink - ital
worries - gond
columbus - Columbus
falling - eső
inside - belül
bushes - bokrok
another - egy másik
leave - szabadság
leaves - levelek
people - emberek
could - tudott
little - kicsit
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