"When the bones of our oppressors have turned to dust;

And the cause that we serve rules the world.

In a vision, visitation, all hail the revolution!"

A vision of evo-, revolution.

Armies of the past retreat in the wake of revolution.

A journey to the country of the fourth admission,

A spectacle of awakening light.

The soldiers are baffled but still they fight.

Creator; destroyer; victory; defeat;

I did not come to bring a sleep.

truth - igazság
spectacle - látvány
space - hely
turned - fordult
sleep - alvás
world - világ
rules - szabályok
light - fény
soldiers - katonák
judgement - ítélet
itself - maga
cause - ok
still - még mindig
bones - csontok
called - hívott
black - fekete
admission - belépés
serve - szolgál
purge - tisztítás
journey - utazás
bring - hoz
revolution - forradalom
armies - hadseregek
visitation - szemle
modest - szerény
creator - teremtő
after - után
imprisoned - bebörtönzött
baffled - megzavarodott
retreat - visszavonulás
comes - jön
country - ország
defeat - vereség
energy - energia
oppressors - elnyomók
future - jövő
descends - leereszkedik
fight - harc
victory - győzelem
destroyer - romboló
awakening - ébredés
fourth - negyedik
vision - látomás
instrumental - hangszeres

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