ooh ... what is this thing?
Just a reminder Bo, your EP is available now on iTunes.
Go and buy it, it is really good.
Ooh, hi, I didn't even see you there. I was just looking my notes over and ... ok
You wanna hear a song?
I love you like kings love queens,
like a gay geneticist loves designer jeans (genes)
I need you like New Orleans needs a drought,
like Hitler's father needed to learn to pull out.
And I want you ... yeah, like a lawyer slash mathematician wants some kind of proof.
And I want you like J.F.K. wanted .... a car with a roof.
Because love is, takin' that dive and gettin' really comfortable and peein' in the pool.
And love is, a real life porn ... minus all the stuff that makes porn cool.
And love is, a homeless guy ... searchin' for treasure in the middle of the rain and finding a bag of gold coins and slowly finding out they're all filled with chocolate and even though he's heartbroken he can't complain cuz he was hungry in the first place.
Because I love you like Dora loves maps,
worked - dolgozott
without - nélkül
whistles - síp
whenever - bármikor
wants - akar
voyeur - kukkoló
trying - megpróbálja
trends - trendek
treasure - kincs
tossing - feldobás
toilet - WC
thinner - vékonyabb
things - dolgok
steal - lop
started - indult
socioeconomic - társadalmi-gazdasági
slowly - lassan
slash - vágás
servant - szolgáló
serious - súlyos
redundant - fölösleges
first - első
diary - napló
sales - értékesítés
heartbroken - szívű
exactly - pontosan
nobody - senki
every - minden
erectus - erectus
skinned - bőrű
hungry - éhes
looking - keres
there - ott
drought - aszály
dinner - vacsora
geneticist - genetikus
though - bár
difference - különbség
loves - szeret
secret - titok
wanna - akarok
start - rajt
designer - tervező
gothic - gótikus
craps - Craps
breached - megsértette
favorite - kedvenc
southern - déli
gonna - fog
branch - ág
wanted - kívánatos
between - között
chased - üldözte
filled - megtöltött
complete - teljes
after - után
while - míg
itunes - itunes
finding - lelet
place - hely
kings - királyok
chocolate - csokoládé
complain - panaszkodik
company - vállalat
aristocratic - főnemesi
genes - gének
collection - gyűjtemény
white - fehér
holocaust - Holocaust
still - még mindig
breakfast - reggeli
disregard - figyelmen kívül hagyása
millions - több millió
whistle - síp
notes - jegyzetek
about - ról ről
conform - konform
learn - tanul
available - elérhető
thing - dolog
comfortable - kényelmes
stuff - dolog
father - apa
declines - csökken
homeless - hajléktalan
frank - őszinte
needs - igények
nazis - nazis
devolve - átruház
equal - egyenlő
language - nyelv
lawyer - jogász
slave - rabszolga
decline - hanyatlás
little - kicsit
whole - egész
lunch - ebéd
privacy - magánélet
kisses - puszi
makes - gyártmányú
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