(So I've done a lot of comedy, so let's, uh, take a little break from that...and this is just a song that, if you'll just indulge me it's, uh yeah)

She was the perfect woman, in every single way,

She made the sun shine brighter, and all my cares go away.

She was the perfect woman, she was a gourmet chef,

They say that love is blind, well it's also deaf.

Cause Helen Keller was the perfect woman, and no one understands,

just how talented she was with her hands...UGH.

God made her the perfect woman, I was the finishing touch.

She was the perfect woman cause she didn't talk so much.

worker - munkás
understands - megérti
still - még mindig
stared - bámult
single - egyetlen
naked - meztelen
played - dátum
perfect - tökéletes
miracle - csoda
keller - Keller
cares - gondok
brighter - fényesebb
blind - vak
finishing - végső
touch - érintés
gourmet - ínyenc
cared - gondozott
cause - ok
horribly - szörnyen
better - jobb
shine - ragyog
asked - kérdezte
house - ház
there - ott
alright - rendben
chewbacca - Csubakka
around - körül
finally - végül
turned - fordult
marry - feleségül vesz
every - minden
comedy - komédia
little - kicsit
could - tudott
woman - nő
wanted - kívánatos
talented - tehetséges
indulge - elkényeztet
break - szünet
guess - találd ki
hands - kezek
think - gondol
helen - Helen

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