Just a minute before you leave girl
Just a minute before you touch the door
What is it that you're trying to achieve, girl ?
Do you think we can talk about it some more ?
You know, the streets are filled with vipers
Who've lost all ray of hope
You know, it ain't even safe no more
In the palace of the Pope.
Don't fall apart on me tonight
I just don't think that I could handle it
Don't fall apart on me tonight
Yesterday's just a memory
Tomorrow is never what it's supposed to be
And I need you, yeah.
Come over here from over there, girl
Sit down here, you can have my chair
I can't see us going anywhere, girl
The only place open is a thousand miles away and I can't take you there
I wish I'd have been a doctor
Maybe I'd have saved some life that had been lost
Maybe I'd have done some good in the world
'Stead of burning every bridge I crossed.
Don't fall apart on me tonight
I just don't think that I could handle it
Don't fall apart on me tonight
world - világ
where - ahol
trying - megpróbálja
tomorrow - holnap
think - gondol
these - ezek
there - ott
their - azok
surface - felület
supposed - feltételezett
stuck - megragadt
street - utca
start - rajt
stainless - rozsdamentes
tonight - ma este
smiles - mosolyog
right - jobb
remember - emlékezik
walking - gyalogló
played - dátum
people - emberek
palace - palota
painting - festmény
pants - nadrág
never - soha
mountaintop - hegytető
thousand - ezer
millionaire - milliomos
throat - torok
misplaced - rosszul
miles - mérföld
vipers -
steel - acél-
might - esetleg
saved - mentett
memory - memória
maybe - talán
conversation - beszélgetés
crossed - keresztbe
touch - érintés
streets - utcák
build - épít
charm - báj
wrong - rossz
traps - csapdák
burning - égő
bridge - híd
place - hely
anywhere - bárhol
chair - szék
waste - hulladék
clark - Clark
booby - együgyű
towards - felé
apart - eltekintve
through - keresztül
minute - perc
bring - hoz
beyond - túl
going - haladó
bewildered - megzavarodott
affection - szeretet
beneath - alatt
lying - fekvő
about - ról ről
before - előtt
fight - harc
humorless - humortalan
achieve - elér
dance - tánc
filled - megtöltött
decadence - dekadencia
every - minden
creatures - lények
doctor - orvos
could - tudott
drumsticks - alsócomb
would - lenne
exactly - pontosan
baffled - megzavarodott
handle - fogantyú
james - james
gable - csúcs
hanging - függő
house - ház
itches - viszket
inside - belül
tickle - viszket
jackie - Jackie
louvre - világítónyílás autóhűtőn
leave - szabadság
bombs - bombák
lives - életét
looked - nézett
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