When first I came to Louisville, some pleasure there to find

A damsel there from Lexington was pleasing to my mind

Her rosy cheeks, her ruby lips, like arrows pierced my breast

And the name she bore was Flora, the lily of the west.

I courted lovely Flora some pleasure for to find

But she turned unto another man whose sore distressed my mind

She robbed me of my liberty, deprived me of my rest

Then go, my lovely Flora, the lily of the west.

whose - akinek
turned - fordult
swore - megesküdött
shady - árnyas
seized - lefoglalt
there - ott
seemed - úgy tűnt
rival - vetélytárs
pleasing - kellemes
placed - elhelyezni
stepped - lépcsős
oppress - elnyom
louisville - Louisville
seing - seing
commenced - megkezdett
collar - gallér
pleasure - öröm
betrayed - elárulták
although - habár
strange - furcsa
answer - válasz
pierced - áttört
lexington - Lexington
breast - mell
cheeks - arcon
lovely - bájos
deprived - megfosztott
yonder - amott
arrows - nyilak
robbed - kirabolták
dagger - tőr
courted - udvarolt
desperation - kétségbeesés
another - egy másik
damsel - leányka
faithless - hűtlen
liberty - szabadság
degree - fokozat
witness - tanú
trial - próba
distressed - szomorú
first - első
stand - állvány
flora - növényvilág
still - még mindig
grove - liget

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