In Scarlet Town, where I was born
There's ivy leaf and silver thorn
The streets have names that you can't pronounce
Gold is down to a quarter of an ounce
The music starts and the people sway
Everybody says, "Are you going my way?"
Uncle Tom still workin' for Uncle Bill
Scarlet Town is under the hill.
Scarlet Town in the month of May
Sweet William Holme on his deathbed lay
Mistress Mary by the side of the bed
Kissin' his face and puttin' prayers on his head
So brave and true, so gentle is he
I'll weep for him as he would weep for me
Little Boy Blue come your blow horn
In Scarlet Town, where I was born
Scarlet Town, in the hot noon hours,
There's palm-leaf shadows and scattered flowers
Beggars crouching at the gate
wonders - csodák
wishes - kívánságait
white - fehér
whiskey - whisky
under - alatt
touched - érintett
thorn - tüske
there - ott
world - világ
stone - kő
still - még mindig
staying - tartózkodás
streets - utcák
starts - kezdődik
slabs - tábla
shadows - árnyékok
scattered - elszórt
scarlet - skarlátvörös
pronounce - kimondani
walnut - dió
prayers - ima
platter - tál
yellow - sárga
floor - padló
fields - mezők
fight - harc
descends - leereszkedik
flowers - virágok
right - jobb
crime - bűn
quarter - negyed
brave - bátor
crouching - guggoló
clear - egyértelmű
would - lenne
beggars - koldusok
beauty - szépség
glorified - megdicsőült
black - fekete
gentle - kedves
ounce - uncia
going - haladó
where - ahol
deathbed - Halálos ágyán
beautiful - szép
blows - fúj
uncle - nagybácsi
things - dolgok
sweet - édes
people - emberek
brown - barna
mistress - úrnő
music - zene
night - éjszaka
amends - jóvátétel
william - vilmos
making - gyártás
whore - kurva
forms - formák
stayed - tartózkodott
front - elülső
garment - ruha
groves - ligetek
heart - szív
hours - órák
human - emberi
humble - alázatos
heaven - menny
little - kicsit
silver - ezüst
drive - hajtás
everybody - mindenki
month - hónap
chested - mellkasú
chilly - hűvös
junkie - narkós
while - míg
their - azok
known - ismert
seven - hét
maplewood - juharfa
smile - mosoly
names - nevek
comes - jön
marble - üveggolyó
morphine - morfin
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