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Well, Frankie Lee and Judas Priest,
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They were the best of friends.
So when Frankie Lee needed money one day,
Judas quickly pulled out a roll of tens
And placed them on a footstool
Just above the plotted plain,
Sayin', "Take your pick, Frankie Boy,
My loss will be your gain."
Well, Frankie Lee, he sat right down
And put his fingers to his chin,
But with the cold eyes of Judas on him,
His head began to spin.
"Would ya please not stare at me like that," he said,
"It's just my foolish pride,
But sometimes a man must be alone
And this is no place to hide."
Well, Judas, he just winked and said,
"All right, I'll leave you here,
But you'd better hurry up and choose
Which of those bills you want, before they all disappear."
"I'm gonna start my pickin' right now,
Just tell me where you'll be."
Judas pointed down the road
And said, "Eternity!"
"Eternity?" said Frankie Lee,
With a voice as cold as ice.
"That's right," said Judas Priest, "Eternity,
Though you might call it 'Paradise.'"
"I don't call it anything,"
Said Frankie Lee with a smile.
"All right," said Judas Priest,
"I'll see you after a while."
Well, Frankie Lee, he sat back down,
Feelin' low and mean,
windows - ablakok
while - míg
which - melyik
where - ahol
until - amíg
underneath - alul
tried - megpróbálta
trembled - reszketett
those - azok
thing - dolog
nights - éjszaka
pride - büszkeség
house - ház
winked - kacsintott
mouth - száj
guilt - bűnösség
gonna - fog
after - után
friends - barátok
footstool - zsámoly
midnight - éjfél
plain - egyszerű
please - kérem
fingers - ujjak
hurry - siet
muttered - motyogta
father - apa
leave - szabadság
except - kivéve
stranger - idegen
foaming - habzó
frankie - Frankie
quiet - csendes
stand - állvány
disappear - eltűnik
dropped - leesett
before - előtt
placed - elhelyezni
deceased - elhunyt
bells - harangok
soulful - lelkes
whose - akinek
money - pénz
creep - kúszás
seventeenth - tizenhetedik
above - felett
choose - választ
fellow - fickó
along - mentén
judas - Júdás
pointed - hegyes
simply - egyszerűen
across - át
sixteen - tizenhat
message - üzenet
priest - pap
walked - sétált
belong - tartoznak
smile - mosoly
alone - egyedül
carried - végrehajtott
better - jobb
though - bár
burst - robbanás
began - kezdett
control - ellenőrzés
eternity - örökkévalóság
breath - lehelet
scene - színhely
bounding - határoló
bright - fényes
concealed - rejtett
thirst - szomjúság
gambler - kártyás
course - tanfolyam
might - esetleg
bills - számlák
mission - misszió
would - lenne
start - rajt
should - kellene
mistaking - eltéveszteni
moral - erkölcsi
paradise - paradicsom
sight - látás
anything - bármi
mouse - egér
needed - szükséges
little - kicsit
fright - ijedtség
neighbor - szomszéd
never - soha
there - ott
pulled - húzta
panicked - pánikolt
nothing - semmi
passing - elhaladó
place - hely
plotted - ábrázoljuk
quickly - gyorsan
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