No, no, no, Mommaaaaa...
All my life I loved this girl so much,
all my life I loved her simple touch.
She cared for me and put me on this earth,
oh the pain of just a simple birth.
But now I find that she has left me dumb and blind,
poisoned, twisted, and destroyed my mind.
She taught me things that simply were not true
she taught me hate for race
that's why I hate you!
There's only one way I can make it right,
momma's gotta die tonight.
There's only one way I can make it right,
momma's gotta die tonight.
Momma, momma, I always loved my momma,
I always loved my momma.
I loved the say she hold me,
I love the way she talked to me.
She used to teach me a lot of things,
she taught me good things, she taught me bad things.
''Don't trust white people, don't trust white people.
Don't trust white people, they're no good, they're no good,
they're no good, they're no good.
They're just gonna rip you off, they're just gonna rip you off.
Don't trust 'em, don't trust 'em.''
I said, ''Why momma?'', she said, ''I told you don't
trust 'em they're no good.''
I said, ''Momma, I thought we were all the same momma,
why momma?'' She said, ''Don't ask me any questions.
Don't you challenge your mutha.'' Momma.
So one day I found I fell in love
and I brought my girlfriend home
and I introduced her to my mutha and
wrong - rossz
whose - akinek
wants - akar
wanna - akarok
twisted - csavart
twice - kétszer
twelfth - tizenkettedik
trust - bizalom
touch - érintés
thanksgiving - hálaadás
white - fehér
tonight - ma este
texas - Texas
teach - tanít
smacked - megpofozta
simply - egyszerűen
store - bolt
ricans - Ricans
racist - rasszista
puerto - puerto
special - különleges
poisoned - mérgezett
pieces - darabok
things - dolgok
people - emberek
occasions - alkalmak
vacation - vakáció
oakland - Oakland
taught - tanított
quite - egészen
momma - mama
loved - szeretett
little - kicsit
woman - nő
corpse - hulla
corner - sarok
questions - kérdések
indians - indiánok
connecticut - Connecticut
found - talál
gotta - kell
slugger - slugger
jumped - ugrott
introduced - bemutatott
carving - faragás
atlanta - atlanta
carry - visz
mexicans - mexikóiak
count - számol
thought - gondolat
permanent - állandó
brought - hozott
bought - vásárolt
always - mindig
hefty - izmos
arizona - Arizona
miami - miami
fucked - szar
green - zöld
talked - beszélt
detroit - Detroit
birthday - születésnap
bitch - kurva
chicago - chicago
grabbed - megragadta
cared - gondozott
birth - születés
bullshit - hülyeség
either - bármelyik
bitty - darabos
blind - vak
lighter - öngyújtó
destroyed - elpusztított
earth - Föld
father - apa
simple - egyszerű
floor - padló
fluid - folyadék
right - jobb
challenge - kihívás
girlfriend - barátnő
gonna - fog
handy - ügyes
hated - gyűlölt
louisville - Louisville
around - körül
learned - tanult
world - világ
kitchen - konyha
behind - mögött
knife - kés
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