Like the Ferris wheel goes around and around

Well the trouble with up is there's always a down

First I'm holding your hand and we're on the boardwalk

There's heaven right here on these streets and these docks

But the sun keeps setting and the days go fast

And the sand on the beach is like an hourglass

And I can just feel it, I'm slipping away

And babe, I can already say that

As long as I live, whatever I do

As great as it is you know what's a bummer

I ain't never gonna beat this summer with you

Baby, it's true

The taste in your kiss is so bittersweet

I ain't gonna beat, no way I'm gonna beat this summer with you

Before you know it it's all gonna stop

windows - ablakok
wheel - kerék
whatever - tök mindegy
there - ott
taste - íz
summer - nyár
stuck - megragadt
through - keresztül
setting - beállítás
right - jobb
putting - elhelyezés
these - ezek
never - soha
looking - keres
living - élő
moment - pillanat
leaves - levelek
seashell - kagyló
blowing - fúj
anywhere - bárhol
before - előtt
boardwalk - sétány
beach - strand
already - már
streets - utcák
bittersweet - keserédes
around - körül
trouble - baj
slipping - csúszás
bouncing - felszökkenés
first - első
maybe - talán
feathers - tollak
hourglass - homokóra
rolling - gördülő
ferris - Ferris
gonna - fog
always - mindig
heaven - menny
bummer - dőzsölés
docks - dokkok
holding - holding
keeps - tartja
standing - álló
great - nagy
knowing - tudva

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