She doesn’t dare go in the place with those bruises on her face

So she goes through the drive-thru and keeps her sunglasses on

She didn’t know when she married that man

She’d get to know him like the back of his hand

But now she’s had enough, and the battle lines are drawn

He’s in a bar chasing Cuervo with Tecate

He doesn’t know she’s been taking karate

The way she figures it about July

She’ll finally have the belt to match her eye

She’s on a mission as the months pass

Five days a week and never misses a class

And now she’s up to breakin’ boards and concrete blocks

He’s in a bar chasing Cuervo with Tecate

He doesn’t know she’s been taking karate

upside - fejjel
training - kiképzés
tooth - fog
through - keresztül
threw - dobta
tecate - Tecate
those - azok
sunglasses - napszemüveg
started - indult
slammed - bevágta
scissor - ollós
tonight - ma este
roundhouse - köríves
rocky - sziklás
taking - bevétel
drawn - húzott
punch - puncs
cuttin - vágásához
battle - csata
tomorrow - holnap
chasing - vadászrepülőgép
stumbled - megbotlott
enough - elég
chair - szék
misses - hiányzik
bucks - dolcsi
chest - mellkas
breakin - betörés
night - éjszaka
around - körül
class - osztály
finally - végül
karate - karate
about - ról ről
rough - durva
doesn - Mindegy
board - tábla
knocked - bekopogott
treatin - megmunkál
drive - hajtás
blocks - blokkok
brand - márka
round - kerek
boards - táblák
broke - törött
bruises - zúzódások
figures - számadatok
floor - padló
grabbed - megragadta
ground - talaj
hundred - száz
keeps - tartja
married - házas
kicked - rúgott
knees - térd
cuervo - Cuervo
months - hónap
swept - söpört
fridge - hűtő
landed - leszállt
right - jobb
lights - lámpák
gonna - fog
lines - vonalak
match - mérkőzés
mission - misszió
never - soha
concrete - konkrét
place - hely

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