As by the door to get to Heaven
Seven trumpets big and bright
You hear it coming in the middle of the night
A caution to the children
Time to turn your crimson white
We’ve all got reservations
Trials will come suddenly
And without explanation
But you were born with goodness
You were born with goodness
Wherever you go now
I’m right behind you
In the light of hope
I’ll be beside you
wicked - gonosz
winds - szelek
suddenly - hirtelen
stone - kő
sinking - süllyedő
right - jobb
reservations - fenntartások
quicksand - الرمال المتحركة
children - gyermekek
blind - vak
breaking - törés
explanation - magyarázat
bright - fényes
break - szünet
trumpets - trombiták
trials - kísérletek
alright - rendben
caution - vigyázat
seven - hét
goodness - jóság
light - fény
accepts - elfogadja
white - fehér
beside - mellett
wherever - bárhol
coming - eljövetel
expects - elvárja
grace - kegyelem
without - nélkül
might - esetleg
cling - ragaszkodik
touch - érintés
reasons - okok
crimson - karmazsinvörös
behind - mögött
dusty - poros
middle - középső
night - éjszaka
heaven - menny
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