Me and Valentina went down to the chapel

But the gates were shut

I had my vows in my pocket and a gold-plated ring for my honey love

We headed down

Tropicana to the corner with the late night restaurant

We sat across from each other,

when I looked in her eyes there was something gone

Was it something that I said or did?

Was it something that I should have kept hid?

If you leave me hanging I don’t know what I’ll do

It doesn’t matter who’s wrong or right

In the clear of the blue moon light

You got me on my knees, Valentina, this is not like you

wrong - rossz
whispered - suttogta
leave - szabadság
nugget - aranyrög
heart - szív
heard - hallott
headed - fejes
corner - sarok
honey - édesem
light - fény
something - valami
doesn - Mindegy
dealer - kereskedő
waiter - pincér
knees - térd
months - hónap
conversation - beszélgetés
brand - márka
cause - ok
bells - harangok
clear - egyértelmű
please - kérem
break - szünet
everywhere - mindenhol
chapel - kápolna
plated - galvanizált
hanging - függő
ringing - gyűrűzés
church - templom
looked - nézett
matter - ügy
night - éjszaka
other - más
parking - parkolás
valentina - tutch
pocket - zseb-
there - ott
restaurant - étterem
right - jobb
saved - mentett
dollars - dollár
start - rajt
across - át
thing - dolog
should - kellene
thousand - ezer
gates - kapuk
wanna - akarok

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