My father sits at night with no lights on
His cigarette glows in the dark.
The living room is still;
I walk by, no remark.
I tiptoe past the master bedroom where
My mother reads her magazines.
I hear her call sweet dreams,
But I forgot how to dream.
But you say it's time we moved in together
And raised a family of our own, you and me -
Well, that's the way I've always heard it should be:
You want to marry me, we'll marry.
My friends from college they're all married now;
They have their houses and their lawns.
wound - seb
where - ahol
together - együtt
themselves - maguk
their - azok
tearful - könnyes
things - dolgok
sweet - édes
still - még mindig
silent - csendes
houses - házak
learn - tanul
remark - megjegyzés
forgot - elfelejtettem
debris - törmelék
college - főiskola
drown - megfullad
first - első
couples - párok
heard - hallott
shelf - polc
cling - ragaszkodik
dream - álom
drink - ital
glows - parazsékot
alive - élő
bedroom - hálószoba
never - soha
always - mindig
night - éjszaka
children - gyermekek
angry - mérges
father - apa
raised - emelt
close - bezárás
friends - barátok
laugh - nevetés
lawns - pázsit
tiptoe - lábujjhegyen megy
dawns - hajnalok
lights - lámpák
mother - anya
birds - madarak
moved - költözött
magazines - folyóiratok
married - házas
marry - feleségül vesz
clouds - felhők
master - fő-
through - keresztül
dreams - álmok
family - család
nights - éjszaka
cigarette - cigaretta
should - kellene
myself - magamat
living - élő
reads - olvas
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