Since the day they got married
He'd been praying for a little baby boy
Someone he could take fishing
Throw the football and be his pride and joy
He could already see him holding that trophy
Taking his team to state
But when the nurse came in with a little pink blanket
All those big dreams changed
And now, he's wrapped around her finger
She's the center of his whole world
And his heart belongs to that sweet, little, beautiful, wonderful, perfect
All American girl
Sixteen short years later
wrapped - csomagolt
world - világ
trophy - trófea
those - azok
their - azok
fishing - halászat
heart - szív
state - állapot
college - főiskola
whole - egész
goodbye - viszontlátásra
beautiful - szép
passes - bérletek
changed - megváltozott
honest - becsületes
throw - dobás
decided - határozott
spend - tölt
dreams - álmok
pride - büszkeség
little - kicsit
american - amerikai
years - évek
around - körül
short - rövid
sixteen - tizenhat
already - már
coach - távolsági busz
before - előtt
finger - ujj
belongs - tartozik
taking - bevétel
practice - gyakorlat
wonderful - csodálatos
football - futball
blanket - takaró
daddy - apu
better - jobb
dropping - csepegés
married - házas
holding - holding
honey - édesem
outta - Outta
senior - idősebb ember
center - központ
problem - probléma
skipping - ugró
nurse - nővér
later - a későbbiekben
perfect - tökéletes
falling - eső
praying - imádkozás
could - tudott
since - mivel
someone - valaki
sweet - édes
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