Powered by the Eye of Harmony
I can travel anywhere in space and time
I'm linked to The Doctor symbiotically
Got his imprint on my briode nebuliser.
There used to be 305 of me
But the rest were dicommissioned and replaced.
Takes six pilots to fly me properly.
Only happened once at The Medusa Cascade.
The last Type 40 in the universe
But there's still so much to see
[There's so much to see]
But i'll be going on adventures, so long as there's Huon Energy
[There's Huon Energy]
My chameleon circuit hasn't worked since 1963
But The Doctor won't give up on me.
My interior's in a state of Temporal Grace
Though on occasion that gets circumvented
travel - utazás
transcendental - transzcendentális
titanic - óriási
there - ott
suffered - elszenvedett
space - hely
since - mivel
scorching - pörkölés
takes - vesz
powered - hajtású
miles - mérföld
medusa - medúza
dimensionally - formatartó
chameleon - kaméleon
replaced - helyébe
properly - megfelelően
going - haladó
circuit - áramkör
worked - dolgozott
energy - energia
cascade - vízesés
adventures - kalandok
though - bár
degree - fokozat
universe - világegyetem
circumvented - megkerülni
because - mert
state - állapot
awful - szörnyű
pilots - pilóták
doctor - orvos
withstood - ellenállt
every - minden
without - nélkül
still - még mindig
harmony - harmónia
falling - eső
temporal - időbeli
inside - belül
linked - összekapcsolt
occasion - alkalom
anywhere - bárhol
flight - repülési
happened - történt
grace - kegyelem
imprint - impresszum
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