You got me smilin'
again you
got me smilin again
again you
got me smilin', again
[Rhyme 1:]
One night of pleasure nine months of pain
three days later and that's when you came
two arms two legs ten fingers ten toes
brown eyes like mom, with your grandmothers nose
even though you're momma's baby
and daddy's little baby
my love is unconditional to one of us is swayze
day or night, roll the light
no matter what you do,
like the Jackson 5 said I'll be there for you coz
my life is your life and your life is mine
through thik or thin I'm your friend 'til the end of time
I'll make sure you get your props
you can call me pops
and anything you need I'll pull it out of the stops
even though we're not together like we used to be
D A D D Y, you can count on me
coz when I'm feelin' down every now and then
world - világ
woman - nő
which - melyik
under - alatt
together - együtt
three - három
their - azok
there - ott
swayze - swayze
superman - felsőbbrendű ember
struggle - küzdelem
stops - megálló
something - valami
right - jobb
rhyme - rím
props - kellékek
foundation - alapítvány
tryin - próbál
huxtables - huxtables
smile - mosoly
flesh - hús
about - ról ről
pleasure - öröm
danger - veszély
every - minden
forget - elfelejt
chorus - énekkar
raising - emelés
jackson - jackson
fingers - ujjak
friend - barát
grown - felnőtt
shoulder - váll
daddy - apu
puzzle - kirakós játék
father - apa
count - számol
decisions - döntések
build - épít
whipped - felvert
could - tudott
through - keresztül
settle - rendezni
little - kicsit
power - erő
chances - esélyeit
batman - denevérember
anything - bármi
again - újra
things - dolgok
people - emberek
brown - barna
never - soha
unconditional - feltétlen
cliff - szikla
children - gyermekek
wrong - rossz
friends - barátok
rangers - rohamosztag
gosta - gosta
gotta - kell
grandmothers - nagymamák
teach - tanít
someone - valaki
growing - növekvő
impression - benyomás
nothing - semmi
stand - állvány
knowledge - tudás
light - fény
though - bár
liquor - folyadék
worth - érdemes
leader - vezető
listen - hallgat
matter - ügy
months - hónap
night - éjszaka
nobody - senki
later - a későbbiekben
perfect - tökéletes
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