Three little birds, sat on my window.

And they told me I don't need to worry.

Summer came like cinnamon

So sweet,

Little girls double-dutch on the concrete.

Maybe sometimes, we got it wrong, but it's alright

The more things seem to change, the more they stay the same

Oh, don't you hesitate.

Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song

You go ahead, let your hair down

Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,

Just go ahead, let your hair down.

You're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow.

Blue as the sky, sombre and lonely,

Sipping tea in the bar by the road side,

yourself - saját magad
jeans - farmer
girls - lányok
could - tudott
dutch - holland
awake - ébren
change - változás
stronger - erősebb
alright - rendben
wrong - rossz
ahead - előre
lonely - magányos
favourite - kedvenc
window - ablak
cinnamon - fahéj
worry - aggodalom
realise - megvalósítani
gotta - kell
other - más
hairdo - frizura
summer - nyár
concrete - konkrét
hesitate - tétovázik
faded - kifakult
birds - madarak
three - három
those - azok
double - kettős
longer - hosszabb
maybe - talán
little - kicsit
dreams - álmok
nights - éjszaka
records - feljegyzések
somehow - valahogy
sometimes - néha
gonna - fog
relax - kipiheni magát
sapphire - zafír-
afraid - félnek
sipping - kortyolgatva
sombre - komor
somewhere - valahol
strange - furcsa
sweet - édes
things - dolgok
think - gondol
thought - gondolat

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