It was the third of September.

That day I'll always remember, yes I will.

'Cause that was the day that my daddy died.

I never got a chance to see him.

Never heard nothing but bad things about him.

Mama, I'm depending on you, tell me the truth.

And Mama just hung her head and said,

"Papa was a rolling stone.

Wherever he laid his hat was his home.

(And when he died) All he left us was ALONE."

"Papa was a rolling stone

Wherever he laid his hat was his home.

(And when he died) All he left us was ALONE."

Well, well.

Hey Mama, is it true what they say,

that Papa never worked a day in his life?

And Mama, bad talk going around town

saying that Papa had three outside children and another wife.

would - lenne
worked - dolgozott
women - nők
leeching - kioldódásának
himself - saját maga
heard - hallott
grave - sír
remember - emlékezik
drinking - ivás
borrow - kölcsön
early - korai
depending - attól
doing - csinál
front - elülső
around - körül
saving - megtakarítás
talkin - Talkin
going - haladó
always - mindig
things - dolgok
another - egy másik
outside - kívül
stone - kő
chance - véletlen
preaching - prédikáció
dealing - foglalkozó
chasing - vadászrepülőgép
daddy - apu
looked - nézett
spent - költött
store - bolt
children - gyermekek
never - soha
nothing - semmi
right - jobb
rolling - gördülő
saying - mondás
september - szeptember
about - ról ről
steal - lop
stealing - lopás
thinking - gondolkodás
third - harmadik
wherever - bárhol
three - három
alone - egyedül
trade - kereskedelmi
souls - lelkek
truth - igazság

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