Walking around I hear the earth seeking relief

I'm trying to find a reason to live

But the mindless clutter my path

Oh these thorns in my side

I know I have something free

I have something so alive

I think they shoot cause they want it

I feel forces all around me

Come on raise your head

Those who hide behind the shadows

Live with all that's dead

Look at me... look at me

At least look at me when you shoot a bullet through my head

touch - érintés
through - keresztül
those - azok
think - gondol
something - valami
relief - megkönnyebbülés
reason - ok
someone - valaki
clutter - zűrzavar
somewhere - valahol
shadows - árnyékok
cause - ok
thorns - ciernie
aloud - hangosan
trying - megpróbálja
forces - erők
behind - mögött
bullet - golyó
raise - emel
disgraced - kegyvesztett
close - bezárás
inside - belül
walking - gyalogló
again - újra
alive - élő
jealousy - féltékenység
these - ezek
never - soha
around - körül
laugh - nevetés
place - hely
earth - Föld
shoot - lő
gotten - ütött
please - kérem
least - legkevésbé
seeking - keres
lifetime - élettartam
mindless - értelmetlen

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