You'll waste time to hurt her, sorta like murder
A duck with the public's favorite rhyme order
I ain't no waiter or hater of a spectator (kill em B-Real)
Seekin to find the toys, with no flavor
See I'm talkin about those whose vocals ain't comin off
A skill to kill at will, but awfully dumb of course
some go nut, the power of the last one
slower, flower, blower
Those who ain't pros I wet my stupid radio
cause he needs a G when you listen to the vocal
I'm not a loco but I'm lookin just til punk go OHH
Now you can't see I'm real great?
Check out the story to the glory of the real estate
[Sen Dog]
All these motherfuckers that wanna run up on the Hill
Step off! You know why?
This shit is all about BOO-YAA cause I said step off!
This is the crime you find you're not an exponent
Doggone it, another gonna mierda on it
Now you're wishin, fishin you could do this
But on the strength, yo, I think you knew this
was just like a dream, when you supreme, the king
of a minor ?
All for 47, swung ? eleven
Got hit with a pitch like a bitch and went to heaven
Weak ducks, duckin and buckin
Sayin FUKKIT, ain't worth damn pay the ducats
From my public, my favorite subject, I loves it
So go 'head, talk your punk shit
Suckers, you're nuttin, ? like a jock ?
Crack smoker, can we adjust we choker
Ohh, now you can't see I'm real great?
wishin - wishin
whose - akinek
waste - hulladék
wanna - akarok
vocals - ének
vocal - ének
verse - vers
though - bár
those - azok
think - gondol
things - dolgok
these - ezek
taught - tanított
swung - billentett
supreme - legfőbb
gotta - kell
front - elülső
hater - utáló
needs - igények
flavor - aroma
flamboyant - rikító
exponent - kitevő
enough - elég
adjust - beállítani
everything - minden
minor - kisebb
motherfuckers - szemétládák
doggone - istenverte
eleven - tizenegy
undisputed - vitathatatlan
fishin - Fishin
spectator - néző
gonna - fog
sayin - mondom
blower - ventilátor
ducats - dukát
worth - érdemes
deficit - hiány
dialectic - dialektikus
roaches - csótányok
bitch - kurva
lookin - benéz
comin - jön
cause - ok
dream - álom
scripture - szentírás
suckers - balekok
blast - robbanás
another - egy másik
gotcha - megvagy
violators - szabálysértőket
flower - virág
caught - elkapott
order - sorrend
great - nagy
glory - dicsőség
heaven - menny
course - tanfolyam
talkin - Talkin
sorta - kábé
funky - beijedt
master - fő-
awfully - szörnyen
right - jobb
ducks - tenisznadrág
combustion - égés
choker - elzáró szelep
could - tudott
waiter - pincér
crack - repedés
murder - gyilkosság
damage - kár
dialogue - párbeszéd
cypress - ciprus
brother - fiú testvér
subject - tantárgy
listen - hallgat
loves - szeret
lower - alsó
mierda - mierda
crime - bűn
learn - tanul
nothin - semmi
motherfucker - köcsög
rhyme - rím
straight - egyenes
pitch - hangmagasság
estate - birtok
about - ról ről
power - erő
property - ingatlan
public - nyilvános
pussy - punci
radio - rádió
skiers - síelők
choke - fojtás
sport - sport
school - iskola
seekin - seekin
sellout - kiárusítás
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