Oh, hear this Robert Zimmerman

I wrote a song for you

About a strange young man called Dylan

With a voice like sand and glue

His words of truthful vengeance

They could pin us to the floor

Brought a few more people on

And put the fear in a whole lot more

Ah, here she comes

Here she comes

Here she comes again

The same old painted lady

From the brow of a superbrain

She'll scratch this world to pieces

As she comes on like a friend

But a couple of songs

From your old scrapbook

Could send her home again

You gave your heart to every bedsit room

At least a picture on my wall

And you sat behind a million pair of eyes

And told them how they saw

Then we lost your train of thought

zimmerman - Zimmerman
young - fiatal
wrote - írt
world - világ
words - szavak
whole - egész
picture - kép
leave - szabadság
people - emberek
poems - versek
million - millió
troubles - bajok
truthful - igazmondó
heart - szív
rather - inkább
writing - írás
strange - furcsa
family - család
called - hívott
pieces - darabok
every - minden
scared - megrémült
unity - egység
friend - barát
while - míg
their - azok
behind - mögött
songs - dalok
again - újra
paintings - festmények
comes - jön
painted - festett
about - ról ről
dylan - Dylan
walls - falak
alone - egyedül
least - legkevésbé
couple - párosít
could - tudott
sanity - józanság
refugee - menekült
floor - padló
rising - emelkedő
robert - robert
scrapbook - vendégkönyv
scratch - karcolás
street - utca
together - együtt
suppose - tegyük fel
though - bár
voice - hang
brought - hozott
thought - gondolat
train - vonat
vengeance - bosszú

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