January, 1962

He awoke in a cold sweat

to those old sounds of heartbreak.

his brother at his side screaming

"this isn't your fight".

but that rush took over his head

and he came to his mother's side.

and he found himself alone with that devil rambling.

"oh, well the money's all gone

and she can't pay the rent with that needle in her arm."

he clenched his fists.

"what did she ever do to you,

but raise us by herself

when you were too drunk to come through?"

years - évek
washed - mosott
wanted - kívánatos
unpaid - kifizetetlen
trading - kereskedés
tombstone - sírkő
those - azok
swing - hinta
stepped - lépcsős
through - keresztül
sounds - hangok
drunk - részeg
debts - tartozások
night - éjszaka
cried - kiáltott
father - apa
expect - elvár
kissed - megcsókolta
brother - fiú testvér
needle - tű
blood - vér
another - egy másik
caught - elkapott
heartbreak - szívfájdalom
counter - számláló
again - újra
empty - üres
january - január
nerve - ideg
alone - egyedül
thing - dolog
across - át
awoke - felébredt
fists - ököllel
blows - fúj
fight - harc
breath - lehelet
boiled - főtt
bookies - fogadóirodák
forgiver - megbocsátó
clenched - összeszorított
found - talál
devil - ördög
friend - barát
spiteful - rosszindulatú
gambling - szerencsejáték
stare - bámul
grabbed - megragadta
rambling - kószáló
hands - kezek
raise - emel
herself - önmaga
sweat - izzad
least - legkevésbé
mother - anya
never - soha
himself - saját maga
screaming - visító

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