Bartenders, Barstools and Barmaids
A jukebox and a pocket full of change
Just a few of my favorite things
Bartenders, Barstools and Barmaids
Bartenders listen when you talk
And barstools are there when you can't walk
And I'll always make a waitress my best
Until the music stops and closin' time begins
world - világ
while - míg
jukebox - wurlitzer
drink - ital
barstools - bár székek
stops - megálló
favorite - kedvenc
change - változás
believe - hinni
things - dolgok
begins - elkezdődik
heart - szív
always - mindig
broke - törött
another - egy másik
until - amíg
bartenders - csapos
listen - hallgat
music - zene
outside - kívül
there - ott
pocket - zseb-
smoke - füst
waitress - pincérnő
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