Designer names and diamond rings
Are just some of the finer things
I thought it took to keep her saticfied
But a bank account and credit cards
A circle drive through an acre yard
Couldn't fill that lonesome feelin'
That she had inside
I bought her fancy clothes for all occasions
And that new car so she could go
Just any old where she pleased
I bought that golden band she wore
On the hand that closed the door
wanted - kívánatos
walked - sétált
where - ahol
thought - gondolat
rings - gyűrűk
diamond - gyémánt
things - dolgok
shoes - cipő
closed - zárva
through - keresztül
designer - tervező
credit - hitel
fancy - díszes
would - lenne
clothes - ruhák
finer - finomabb
account - fiók
pleased - elégedett
cards - kártyák
bought - vásárolt
could - tudott
until - amíg
circle - kör
drive - hajtás
early - korai
expected - várt
names - nevek
neglected - elhanyagolt
golden - aranysárga
inside - belül
lonesome - magányos
occasions - alkalmak
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