I learned how to write it when I first started school,
Some bully didn't like it, he said it didn't sound to cool,
So I had to hit him and all I said when the blood came,
It's my last name
Grandpa took of to europe to fight the germans in the war,
It came back on some dogtags nobody wears no more,
It's written on a headstone in the field where he was slain,
It's my last name
Passed down from generations too far back to trace,
I can see all my relations when I look into my face,
wears - visel
tonight - ma este
written - írott
sound - hang
solid - szilárd
slain - megölt
shame - szégyen
represent - képvisel
relations - kapcsolatok
wanna - akarok
fight - harc
field - mező
europe - Európa
everything - minden
generations - generációk
started - indult
daddy - apu
famous - híres
always - mindig
where - ahol
blood - vér
husband - férj
bring - hoz
bully - terrorizál
first - első
school - iskola
grandpa - nagypapa
headstone - sírkő
germans - németek
learned - tanult
trace - nyom
means - eszközök
never - soha
write - ír
nobody - senki
recall - visszahívás
passed - elmúlt
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