Harry made a bareback rider proud and free upon a horse
And a fine coalminer for the NCB that was
A fallen angel and Jesus on the cross
A skating ballerina you should have seen her do the skater's waltz
Some people have got to paint and draw
Harry had to work in clay and stone
Like the waves coming to the shore
It was in his blood and in his bones
Ignored by all the trendy boys in London and in Leeds
while - míg
waves - hullámok
waltz - keringő
vultures - keselyűk
trendy - divatba jövő
together - együtt
thing - dolog
feather - madártoll
empty - üres
bones - csontok
might - esetleg
fakes - hamisítványok
gallery - képtár
dealers - kereskedők
takes - vesz
bareback - csupasz hátú
angel - angyal
artist - művész
cross - kereszt
ballerina - balerina
harry - Harry
birds - madarak
going - haladó
compromise - kompromisszum
decide - döntsd el
could - tudott
ignored - figyelmen kívül hagyja
coming - eljövetel
shore - part
blood - vér
obscurity - homály
rider - lovas
breaks - szünetek
canvas - vászon
stone - kő
fallen - elesett
jesus - Jézus
people - emberek
london - London
beads - rózsafüzér
horse - ló
making - gyártás
paint - festék
passed - elmúlt
sticks - pálca
string - húr
proud - büszke
should - kellene
phonies - megjátssza magát
strings - húrok
leeds - Leeds
skating - korcsolyázás
subsidise - sovvenzionare
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