Engraved in my mind there are pictures
Memories of a love I knew one time
So often in my thoughts I stand looking
At the memories hanging on the wall of my mind
I see a memory of raindrops
Falling in the park on the day we met
Walking with each other through the rain
Laughing, talkin' as we both got soakin' wet
The memory made that day, I could never put away
That's the day he told me he'd be mine
through - keresztül
thoughts - gondolatok
there - ott
sweetest - legédesebb
springtime - tavasz
spring - tavaszi
singing - éneklés
shined - ragyog
secret - titok
season - évad
restless - nyughatatlan
place - hely
together - együtt
engraved - bevésett
hanging - függő
never - soha
often - gyakran
summer - nyár
hearts - szívek
other - más
walking - gyalogló
entwine -
could - tudott
birds - madarak
cherry - cseresznye
autumn - őszi
falling - eső
brightly - fényesen
became - lett
while - míg
memories - memóriák
stand - állvány
blossoms - virágokat
raindrops - esőcseppek
laughing - nevetés
leaves - levelek
recall - visszahívás
pictures - képek
looking - keres
loved - szeretett
memory - memória
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