'Round and 'round, the years go 'round and 'round

And many a dream is lost in the nasty city sound…

Now she's down and out, everyone's above her

Tried everything a gal could try

She takes the notion that nobody loves her

And here's the reason why:

She came to the city like a good gal should

Found a little pad in a bad neighborhood

She learned about life and it was quite a shock

But now she knocks 'em down with the best on the block

wanted - kívánatos
tried - megpróbálta
takes - vesz
sound - hang
should - kellene
shame - szégyen
stand - állvány
right - jobb
really - igazán
quite - egészen
brass - sárgaréz
about - ról ről
because - mert
dolly - babácska
chestnut - gesztenye
block - blokk
wrong - rossz
shock - sokk
reason - ok
dream - álom
everything - minden
found - talál
years - évek
loves - szeret
knocks - kopogtat
learned - tanult
could - tudott
neighborhood - szomszédság
little - kicsit
nasty - csúnya
notion - fogalom
nobody - senki
daddy - apu
pretty - szép
above - felett
pride - büszkeség

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