There is no time to discuss or debate
what is right, what is wrong for our people.
Time has run out for all those who wait
with bent limbs and minds that are feeble.
And the rain falls and blows through their window
and the snow falls and blows through their door.
And the seasons revolve mid their sounds of starvation.
When the tides rise, they cover the floor.
They come from the north and they come from the south
and they come from the hills and the valleys.
And they're migrants and farmers and miners and humans,
our census neglected to tally.
And the rain falls and blows through their window
and the rain falls and it blows through their door.
And the seasons revolve mid their sounds of starvation.
When the tides rise, they cover the floor.
window - ablak
weather - időjárás
white - fehér
wealth - jólét
valleys - völgyek
tombs - sírok
young - fiatal
tides - árapály
there - ott
while - míg
those - azok
their - azok
stand - állvány
through - keresztül
sounds - hangok
stamps - bélyegek
sores - sebek
shoes - cipő
shacks - kunyhók
wrong - rossz
rotting - rothadó
right - jobb
treated - kezelt
revolve - forog
pools - medencék
poisonous - mérgező
plight - helyzet
nursery - óvoda
falls - zuhatag
dying - haldoklik
drifts - sodródik
rooms - szobák
limbs - végtagok
thriving - virágzó
health - egészség
degradation - degradáció
cover - borító
diseased - beteg
south - déli
roaches - csótányok
lines - vonalak
decaying - korhadó
farmers - gazdák
rickets - angolkór
neglected - elhanyagolt
tramps - csavargók
prosperous - virágzó
corpses - elhalt
disowned - kitagadta
north - északi
starvation - éhezés
blows - fúj
orphans - árvák
crying - síró
seasons - évszakok
looks - úgy néz ki,
americans - amerikaiak
caucasian - kaukázusi
people - emberek
african - afrikai
feeble - gyenge
america - Amerika
bread - kenyér
inside - belül
hands - kezek
infested - elárasztott
debate - vita
census - népszámlálás
miners - bányászok
adequate - megfelelő
child - gyermek
hills - dombok
hopeless - reménytelen
breathing - lélegző
floods - árvizek
hungry - éhes
mexican - mexikói
tally - Tally
minds - elmék
floor - padló
indian - indián
humans - emberek
discuss - megvitatása
night - éjszaka
playing - játszik
migrants - bevándorlók
nation - nemzet
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