he auctioneer said, I'm not through yet,

Here's a horse the likes of which you've never seen,

And the straw hats in the sun, with a face beneath each one,

Shown doubtful and the auctioneer got mean.

Do you think that you can find a horse like this every day?

I don't think there's any better on this earth,

And the more you pay, the more it's worth.

Then out she came, a snow-white mare,

Prancin' and a dancin' in the silver sun,

They watched her from behind, as she did her bump and grind,

worth - érdemes
likes - kedvel
handed - kezes
every - minden
empty - üres
earth - Föld
where - ahol
graceful - kecses
pains - fájdalmak
which - melyik
think - gondol
doubtful - kétséges
blues - blues
birth - születés
smiled - Mosolygott
watched - figyelte
holding - holding
auctioneer - árverésvezető
white - fehér
gallery - képtár
clung - ragaszkodott
shoot - lő
silent - csendes
behind - mögött
afford - engedheti meg magának,
silver - ezüst
straw - szalma
beneath - alatt
pockets - zsebek
could - tudott
disgraced - kegyvesztett
heels - sarok
grind - darál
naked - meztelen
young - fiatal
never - soha
horse - ló
better - jobb
nobility - nemesség
shown - látható
painted - festett
wished - kívánta
queen - királynő
reins - kantár
round - kerek
stable - stabil
their - azok
through - keresztül
tight - szoros
tightly - szorosan

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