(feat. Devin the Dude, Snoop Dogg)
[answering machine girl]
Hi baby
I know your under a lot of pressure at your work and all
And I do understand
You have no idea how much I understand
But you also don't have any idea how much I love you
I love you so much
I think about you I feel you in my arms
I miss you.. I miss you terribly
I've just always wanted someone like you in my life
I love you so much; that I'd do anything
I'd do anything
I'll be your perfect woman for you
[Dr. Dre]
I just wanna fuck bad bitches
All them nights I never had bitches
Now I'm all up in that ass bitches
Mad at 'cha boyfriend, aint 'cha?
You'se a bad girl, gotta spank ya
Gotta thank ya for that head clinic
Explicit, hella photogenic
And tell your friends where the dick's at
Where they can get hit and won't get back to they soulmate
Before you kiss 'em use Colgate
''She Swallowed It!'' Yeah the bitch took the whole eight
and ran with it, then let Mel-Man hit it
and Hit the Man hit it; damn bitches
Man, this is what I'm talkin about
Chicken-head, chicken-fed, with a dick in your mouth
workin - dolgozni
whole - egész
where - ahol
wanted - kívánatos
wanna - akarok
nights - éjszaka
through - keresztül
instead - helyette
hookup - összeköttetés
somewhere - valahol
kinda - kicsit
spend - tölt
gotta - kell
going - haladó
lovin - Lovin
freak - szörnyszülött
nigga - nigger
favor - kedveznek
machine - gép
explicit - kifejezett
hella - שלום
bitches - szukák
fuckin - kibaszott
gettin - Kezd
eight - nyolc
dicks - farkukat
diggin - Diggin
these - ezek
touchin - touchin
taste - íz
dancer - táncos
before - előtt
husband - férj
bases - bázisok
devin - Devin
cause - ok
anything - bármi
thank - köszönet
cancer - rák
loves - szeret
creep - kúszás
bitch - kurva
fucked - szar
pressure - nyomás
cellular - sejtes
number - szám
seven - hét
about - ról ről
walls - falak
stuff - dolog
sneak - settenkedik
worry - aggodalom
backyard - hátsó udvar
actin - durifg
quick - gyors
woman - nő
twenty - húsz
blowin - Blowin
aight - rendben
colgate -
lookin - benéz
friends - barátok
always - mindig
chicken - csirke
trick - trükk
answering - üzenetrögzítő
talkin - Talkin
boyfriend - fiú barát
chorus - énekkar
smoke - füst
mouth - száj
decorate - díszít
pager - pager
quality - minőség
breakfast - reggeli
mornin - mornin
perfect - tökéletes
phone - telefon
photogenic - fényképen jól mutató
knowin - knowin
guess - találd ki
place - hely
never - soha
understand - megért
rather - inkább
records - feljegyzések
snoop - szaglász
exchange - csere
clinic - klinika
someone - valaki
terribly - szörnyen
somethin - somethin
soulmate - lélektársi
spank - ütés
whatcha - Whatcha
tryin - próbál
stick - rúd
swallowed - lenyelt
tampered - manipulálták
think - gondol
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