I've seen a lot of sights and traveled many miles
Shook a thousand hands and seen my share of smiles
I've caused some great concern and told one too many lies
And now I see the world through these sad, old, jaded eyes
So what if I threw a party and all my friends were there?
Acquaintances, relatives, the girls who never cared
You'll have a host of rowdy hooligans in a big line out the door
Side by side with Sister Barbara, Chief Wells and Bobby 'Orr
I'd invite the Flannigans
Replace the window you smashed out
I'd apologize the Sluggo for pissing on his couch
I'll see Mrs. McAuliffe and so many others soon
Then I'll say I'm sorry for what I did sleepwalking in her room
So what if I threw a party and invited Mayor Menino?
He'd tell you to get a permit
Well this time Tom I don't think so
It's a neighborhood reunion
But now we'd get along
Van Morrison would be there and he'd sing me one last song
With a backup band of bass players to keep us up all night
Three handsome four string troubadours
And Newton's own Fat Mike
I'll be in the can having a smoke with Garv and Johnny Fitz
But there's a back up in the bathroom
Cause the Badger's got the shits
You may bury me with an enemy in Mount Calvary
world - világ
whiskey - whisky
while - míg
wells - kutak
walking - gyalogló
troubadours - mese-
traveled - utazott
throw - dobás
toast - pirítós
through - keresztül
three - három
think - gondol
jaded - fáradt
window - ablak
rowdy - lármás
girls - lányok
final - végső
party - party
stiff - merev
crisp - ropogós
calvary - Kálvária
cared - gondozott
threw - dobta
courage - bátorság
sorry - sajnálom
bathtub - fürdőkád
invited - meghívott
mcauliffe - McAuliffe
mount - hegy
about - ról ről
hands - kezek
concern - vonatkozik
could - tudott
pissing - tönkreteszed
ashes - hamu
great - nagy
rotten - rothadt
friends - barátok
backup - biztonsági mentés
beach - strand
blackened - megfeketedett
invite - meghívás
acquaintances - ismerősök
chief - fő
bring - hoz
others - mások
stack - kazal
handsome - jóképű
dress - ruha
already - már
couch - kanapé
apologize - bocsánatot kér
along - mentén
cause - ok
prick - pöcs
going - haladó
bathroom - fürdőszoba
never - soha
fluid - folyadék
these - ezek
enemy - ellenség
cheap - olcsó
sucker - szívó
having - amelynek
loved - szeretett
style - stílus
maybe - talán
mayor - polgármester
permit - engedély
hurry - siet
menino - Menino
miles - mérföld
morrison - Morrison
share - ossza meg
nerve - ideg
night - éjszaka
orange - narancs
players - játékosok
fenway - Fenway
pocket - zseb-
finally - végül
relatives - rokonok
replace - cserélje
would - lenne
wanna - akarok
start - rajt
reunion - találkozó
neighborhood - szomszédság
roast - sült
round - kerek
thousand - ezer
caused - okozott
score - pontszám
shits - szarik
hooligans - huligánok
bobby - londoni rendőr
sights - látnivalók
embalming - balzsamozás
sister - lánytestvér
sleepwalking - alvajárás
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