You may find as I have found
This place is neither safe nor sound
This house of cards will tumble down
As befits a cardboard town
You're lost in the ruins of your mind
As these four walls collide, as your whole world subsides
But you took it all in your stride
As a matter of course, not a matter of pride
So raise your glass, let's celebrate
'Cause we can force those hands of fate
world - világ
tumble - esés
those - azok
these - ezek
subsides - lecsillapodik
stride - lépés
forever - örökké
force - erő
cardboard - karton
collide - összeütközik
matter - ügy
sound - hang
feeds - hírcsatornák
celebrate - ünnepel
cards - kártyák
thank - köszönet
genuine - valódi
acquisition - beszerzés
befits - illik
found - talál
glass - üveg
pride - büszkeség
greed - kapzsiság
regret - megbánás
house - ház
place - hely
raise - emel
hands - kezek
morsels - falatokat
whole - egész
ruins - romok
neither - se
walls - falak
course - tanfolyam
position - pozíció
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