Banging on my tambourine,
I didn't think i'd make a scene
Until everyone joined in the chase,
I never meant to make you cry,
My head was floating in the sky,
And nothing looked to be out of place
I've got my head like a cello,
Melancholy bows,
If it goes, keep it mellow, baby,
Should I pay attention to the alarm,
The sirens going off in a police car
I forget, I forget to be cool, cool, cool
writing - írás
until - amíg
tambourine - csörgődob
think - gondol
sirens - szirénák
wrong - rossz
plinky - plinky
place - hely
plonk - plonk
chase - üldözés
should - kellene
pencil - ceruza
blunt - tompa
could - tudott
thought - gondolat
cello - gordonka
banging - dörömböl
steady - állandó
everyone - mindenki
joined - csatlakozott
meant - jelentett
scene - színhely
along - mentén
attention - figyelem
arrested - letartóztatott
floating - úszó
forget - elfelejt
going - haladó
melancholy - melankólia
police - rendőrség
mellow - érett
bolder - merészebb
looked - nézett
losing - vesztes
wanted - kívánatos
nothing - semmi
piano - zongora
alarm - riasztás
never - soha
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